Yesterday we had our anatomy scan and found out we are having a beautiful little angel!!! We are both so excited and Angelo is especially excited to one day have to scare off some boyfriends knocking at our front door :) He's in for a wild ride isn't he?! Reminds me of this scene from Bad Boys II starring Will Smith and Martin Lawrence. Sorry about the language in advance. hehe
Time for this weeks status report!

Little Miss Princess will be named Sophia _______ Metallo. Middle name TBD. Canidates for the middle name include Blake & Harper so far. Harper is in the lead.
I broke the news to Rome & Bella once we got home yesterday evening. I don't think they were too excited...Rome just turned 1 year old on the 16th, so I'll take his lack of excitement as him not grasping the concept. lol I did get a tail wag from Bella, but she wags her tail at everything, especially when Rome gets yelled at.
Time for this weeks status report!
How far along? 20 weeks, 2 days
Total weight gain/loss: I haven't weighed myself since I hit the 10 lb weight gain mark earlier this week. To my offense, I weighed myself after chowing down all weekend and my boobs have to account for ATLEAST 5 of those pounds. Haha! My response to the scale from this day forward is, "Whatever..."
Maternity Clothes: Just the Tummy Sleeve still.
Stretch marks: No
Sleep: Need to go get myself that big wrap around body pillow! Angelo tried to help by shoving a pillow behind my back for comfortable. He's great isn't he?
Best moment of the week: Seeing our little girl at the ultrasound! She's 10.3 inches long & 12 oz. Right on schedule!
Movement: Yep, usually around mid-late afternoon.
Food Cravings: Nothing new, Airhead cravings are going away. I only ate 2 this week!
Gender: GIRLfriend!
Labor signs: None
Belly button in/out: In
What I miss: Couldn't have a drink to celebrate last night, so I replaced it with a few more Cheese Fries from Outback. haha
What I'm looking forward to: We're going to look at furniture for the nursery today! This will be the first time going to the baby store since I found out I was pregnant. Hopefully I don't go too crazy.
Weekly Wisdom: School/career will always be there for when I'm ready & fashion trends change seasonally. My goals this year have drastically changed and all I want to do is bring this healthy baby girl into a happy loving home. There's only 1 first word & 1 first step, and I want to be there to cherish every moment.
Milestones: Checkpoint! 20 weeks pregnant and half way to the finish line!
Baby Sophia is about the size of a Cantaloupe!

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