Wednesday, May 25, 2011
Friday, May 20, 2011
Feeling Sleepy
Happy Friday! I’m extra tired today, got no sleep last night, and my mind is in a million different places. With the new house stuff and new baby stuff combined, there are a thousand different things going on in my mind. We need inspections, home insurance, baby furniture, and baby stuff. Plus on all that my last day of work is quickly approaching. Way back in January when I decided I was going to quit my job it sounded like the best thing in the world. Now that it’s only 5 weeks away, I can’t stop thinking about what the heck I’m going to do for the month and a half when I’m not working. I might just go crazy. I know once Sophia makes her debut I’ll be SUPER busy, but what about before that? Well friends, you know who to call if you wanna get some lunch or just take a stroll through the mall. J I’ll be available.
This week we had our 2nd childbirth class. This class focused on relaxation and breathing techniques. I almost fell asleep when we were “practicing” to relax. We also practiced some kegel exercises called elevators. If you don’t know what a kegel exercise is…look it up. You can do them and nobody even knows it. Haha We had to establish our focal point for labor. This could be any object; picture, stuffed animal, figurine, etc. that has some special meaning to you. The use of a focal point will help enhance your relaxation and increase your concentration during a contraction. I choose a picture of Angelo and our 2 dogs. It makes me think happy thoughts!
Weekly Report
How far along? 28 weeks or 7 months!!! BAM 2 more months to go.
Total weight gain/loss:? I finally starred the scale in the face on Wednesday at the doctor’s office. I’ve gained a total of 20 lbs. Don’t judge me. It’s all in my boobs, butt, and stomach. BLEEEHHH
Maternity clothes? Not really. I need to find a couple cute dresses for some special occasions coming up! :-/ Shopping is no bueno these days.
Stretch marks? No more spotted
Sleep: Some nights it’s horrible, some nights it’s great. Last night was horrible.
Best moment this week: We officially ordered the nursery furniture on Sunday! We’re not having it delivered until we move.
Movement: Yes, she punched/kicked Angelo a few times this week. So cute lol
Food cravings: Chicken salad sandwiches have been on my menu for the last 3 days ;)
Gender: Girl
Labor Signs: No
Belly Button in or out? Flattening out
What I miss: Comfortable sleep
What I am looking forward to: I love weddings and have one to go to next weekend!
Weekly Wisdom: If you don’t stand for anything, you’ll fall for everything. Or something like that.
Milestones: Passed my Glucose Tolerance Test on Wednesday!! Straight A’s
Friday, May 13, 2011
"Save the Baby"
Happy Friday y’all!! This week has been SO busy for us and it’s a glimpse into what the next couple months will be like before Sophia is born. We found a house (whooo!) and now going through all those lovely processes to actually buy the house: inspections, meetings to get our finances together, meetings to find house insurance, etc. Angelo & I have done this process all on our own (we’re so grown up…what happened to us?!), and I think we came out on top! Very exciting stuff! On TOP of the house stuff, we had our 1st childbirth class last night and as of today are officially CPR certified! We really wanted to go to the CPR class due to our little one coming into our home. Did you know a child under 1 year of age can drown in an inch of water?! Crazy, right? Everything from mop buckets to plant planters are potential hazards. And if you know Angelo, you know he’s kinda obsessed with mopping! Haha In the class, the instructor would throw a baby manikin at you and say, "SAVE THE BABY, ALEX!"
The childbirth class was extremely interesting. Our teacher is totally balls-to-the-wall “I don’t get embarrassed about anything”! I think the first thing she said after she introduced herself was, “This is your vagina now…this is your vagina squeezing an 8 pound baby out of it. The good news? It goes back to normal!” Very welcoming right?! ;) It’s a 6 week course and it includes a visit to the hospital’s Labor&Delivery unit and also the nursery where all the sweet wittle babies are! Too much fun! I think Angelo turned green during the 1st labor video we watched. He told me that we had to sit in the back so he wouldn’t be able to see it very well. Our teacher said we’ll be watching TONS of labor videos so hopefully by the end of the 6 weeks Angelo will be used to the “miracle of life”.
Next week I go for my 28wk doctor check up and Glucose Tolerance Test. I get to drink some nasty sugary liquid and sit around for an hour. If I fail that test, I get to hang out for another 2 hours. The test is usually used to test for diabetes, insulin resistance, and sometimes reactive hypoglycemia or rarer disorders of carbohydrate metabolism. Fun fun!
Weekly Report
How far along? 27 weeks
Total weight gain/loss:? This will finally be revealed at the doctor’s office next Wednesday when I face my arch-enemy…the scale.
Maternity clothes? I’ve worn my maternity pants once. Shirts are still non-maternity.
Stretch marks? No more spotted
Sleep: I have to be surrounded by pillows to get a good nights rest and I can’t drink anything right before I go to bed, otherwise I’ll be up at 3 in the morning.
Best moment this week: Childbirth class with Angelo. Something about us being together and learning EVERYTHING there is to know about having babies makes me happy. Also getting CPR certified!
Movement: Yes, she must have some dance parties in there!
Food cravings: Nothing specific.
Gender: Girl
Labor Signs: No
Belly Button in or out? Flattening out
What I miss: This week I had 2 Greek salads and really missed feta cheese.
What I am looking forward to: Moving! But it won’t be until the end of June.
Weekly Wisdom: Don’t stress the little stuff.
Milestones: Welcome to the beginning of the 3rd trimester!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Baby's lungs are going through some major developments these days, which (combined with the opening of previously plugged nostrils) means she's now able to practice inhaling and exhaling. The lack of air in your womb means every "breath" is filled with amniotic fluid.
Wednesday, May 11, 2011
Friday, May 6, 2011
Happy Mother's Day!

How far along? 26 weeks (6.5 months)
Total weight gain/loss:? We'll find out next doc appt. Not going near the scale until then! ha
Maternity clothes? My maternity clothes came in the mail. The shirts don't fit (too big) but the pants fit comfortably. I haven't had to chance to actually wear them yet since I'm in scrubs for work all week.
Stretch marks? No more spotted
Sleep: Ugh, can't get enough. I Spend 1/3 of the night trying to get comfortable or trying to get rid of a charley horse leg cramp.
Best moment this week: Getting a new phone :) lol
Movement: TONS! Sophia must be having some dance parties at night.
Food cravings: Not really this week.
Gender: Girl
Labor Signs: No
Belly Button in or out? Flattening out
What I miss: Bending over easily
What I am looking forward to: Finding the house Sophia will grow up in!
Weekly Wisdom: "You must love yourself before you love another. By accepting yourself and fully being what you are, your simple presence can make others happy.” I go on a pregnancy message born every now and then to get tips, advice, etc. and some of the ladies on there this week are having a problem being comfortable in their "pregnancy bodies". I weigh more now than I ever have in my life and I have to agree with them that I don't feel like I have that pregnancy "glow" and absolutely don't feel like I'm beautiful right now. But you know what? My body is CREATING another human being right now. So what if I have to weigh this much for the next 6 or more months in my life? That's what it takes to bring a healthy precious baby into this world. I've come to accept that I no longer can button my pants and I look like a giant ball and will probably look like a beached whale in another month or so. I'm not going to spend the next couple months of this pregnancy depressed about my body because I'm sorry but recreating another PERSON obviously is no walk in the park! Brace yourself people! Big mama coming thru!...Now let's see if I still feel this way tomorrow when I have to be in a bathing suit! haha
Milestones: 6 and a half months down!
Wednesday, May 4, 2011
Not so WORDLESS Wednesday