How far along? 26 weeks (6.5 months)
Total weight gain/loss:? We'll find out next doc appt. Not going near the scale until then! ha
Maternity clothes? My maternity clothes came in the mail. The shirts don't fit (too big) but the pants fit comfortably. I haven't had to chance to actually wear them yet since I'm in scrubs for work all week.
Stretch marks? No more spotted
Sleep: Ugh, can't get enough. I Spend 1/3 of the night trying to get comfortable or trying to get rid of a charley horse leg cramp.
Best moment this week: Getting a new phone :) lol
Movement: TONS! Sophia must be having some dance parties at night.
Food cravings: Not really this week.
Gender: Girl
Labor Signs: No
Belly Button in or out? Flattening out
What I miss: Bending over easily
What I am looking forward to: Finding the house Sophia will grow up in!
Weekly Wisdom: "You must love yourself before you love another. By accepting yourself and fully being what you are, your simple presence can make others happy.” I go on a pregnancy message born every now and then to get tips, advice, etc. and some of the ladies on there this week are having a problem being comfortable in their "pregnancy bodies". I weigh more now than I ever have in my life and I have to agree with them that I don't feel like I have that pregnancy "glow" and absolutely don't feel like I'm beautiful right now. But you know what? My body is CREATING another human being right now. So what if I have to weigh this much for the next 6 or more months in my life? That's what it takes to bring a healthy precious baby into this world. I've come to accept that I no longer can button my pants and I look like a giant ball and will probably look like a beached whale in another month or so. I'm not going to spend the next couple months of this pregnancy depressed about my body because I'm sorry but recreating another PERSON obviously is no walk in the park! Brace yourself people! Big mama coming thru!...Now let's see if I still feel this way tomorrow when I have to be in a bathing suit! haha
Milestones: 6 and a half months down!
Got the link to the blog! ;) and I couldn't even enjoy the easter candy Lu stole... Tricks ate them :(
ReplyDeleteCool idea with the blog... Highly impressed..
- Aeelyn