Easter candy galore in my work office kitchen! EVIL, especially for all my coworkers who are trying to loss weight. Muhahaha. For the record, I only ate 3 Reese eggs all week...my stomach hasn't been up-to-par the past couple days. I've been getting sick (throwing up) early evening , around 4-5pm. I'm fine after about an hour or so but it's been no bueno. For dinner last night all I wanted was a bowl of Soup, so minestrone it was!
I do have a new obsession: Black pepper & Sea Salt Pretzels! Yummay! AND I'm reading a new non-baby book! Bitter is the New Black by Jen Lancaster..only on page 30 or so but it's pretty funny! And something to read besides all the "What to expect" type books.

Weekly stats...shall we?
How far along? 23 weeks
Total weight gain/loss: +16 lbs!....hahaha Doctor said I was perrrrfect! ;)
Maternity clothes? Nope, but I got a new Tummy sleeve today! My scrubs for work are starting to get tighter....I was hoping I could stick it out without buying new ones before June! WAHH I hate buying scrubs.
Stretch marks? Nope
Sleep: Takes me awhile to get that "perfect spot" but once I find it, I'm gooood!
Best moment this week: Hearing Sophia's heartbeat & the doc telling me everything is looking GREAT!
Movement: Yes, feels funny. Sometimes I'm like, "whoa..there you are!"
Food cravings: My delish pretzels pictured above and breakfast foods!
Gender: Girl
Labor Signs: NO
Belly Button in or out? Flattening out
What I miss: Being able to breath, and it's only going to get worse! Can I put an oxygen tank on my registry?! ;) Also, being able to bend/stretch with out looking like I'm having a back spasm.
What I am looking forward to: Putting together the nursery....soooon! I've bought a few things.
Weekly Wisdom: I'll be back to normal sooner than later. Talking about my body here...
Milestones: Getting through another doctor's appointment with an A+! Next appt is my glucose/diabetes test.
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