Dessert has become a must-have! Brownies with ice cream is almost always available in my house.
Your mood is 99% determined by how comfortable your clothes are. If my pants are digging into my stomach, don’t even talk to me.
When you get totally winded/tired out of nowhere. I’ll be short of breathe just laying in my bed!
When you cry at ANYTHING! Happy tears, sad tear, angry tears….all moods now involve tears.
Sitting on the couch wearing underwear and a big t-shirt sounds much better then doing anything else any day of the week!
You realize you actually DO have a lot of clothes now that you can't wear any of them! And I thought I had trouble finding something to wear PRE-pregnancy.
Your nickname has changed to momma/preggo/etc by all friends and coworkers.
When deciding what to eat for dinner, everyone looks at you and says "what are YOU hungry for/craving?" I’m really going to miss this one J
When you wake up in the middle of night to either pee or get rid of the charley horse. OUCH
ALL of the above are SO true! Too funny sometimes!
Weekly Update time:
How far along? 25 weeks
Total weight gain/loss:? I haven't jumped on the scale and prob not going to until next dr appt.
Maternity clothes?I bought my first maternity clothes this week! I bought a pair of pants and 2 shirts. Haven't tried them on yet because I bought them online. Hopefully they come in today!
Stretch marks? I think I found one! It's tiny but it's THERE!!!! (sad face)
Sleep: This week has been pretty good with sleep. I was EXTREMELY tired on Wednesday, like my eyes were burning tired. But I fixed it with a nap after work.
Best moment this week: The husband felt Sophia kick for the first time!!!! So exciting and precious
Movement: Oh yea!
Food cravings: Still just Easter candy...mainly jolly rancher jelly beans. There's officially no more in my easter basket :(
Gender: Girl
Labor Signs: No
Belly Button in or out? Flattening out
What I miss: This week I didn't get too much walking/jogging in. I couldn't really breathe because of the heat (and there's a little girl taking over my lung space!)
What I am looking forward to: Dressing Sophia up in the CUTEST outfits!
Weekly Wisdom: The Queen of Spain is named Sofia. Just a little fact for ya
Milestones: The husband feeling our little girl kick!
Sophia is now the size of an eggplant! Can you believe she's about 1.5-2 lbs now?! Me neither. That oh-so-handy sense of equilibrium is kicking in, and baby's learning to distinguish right side up from upside down.
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