Weekly Report
How far along? 32 Weeks
Total weight gain/loss:? Due to being sick, I lost about 3 lbs this week. I'll gain that back in no time :)
Maternity clothes? I'm wearing my first maternity dress today at my shower!
Stretch marks? No change
Sleep: Horrible this week! The stomach aches and then head cold I have going on didn't help.
Best moment this week: We felt Sophia's head at our Dr. appt on Wednesday. She's head down already! Maybe she'll make an appearance earlier than August 11th! :)
Movement: Yep, dance parties on the regular.
Food cravings: Pizza crust...yea, just the crust! lol
Gender: A little princess
Labor Signs: Nope
Belly Button in or out? Flat like a pancake.
What I miss: This week had it's ups and downs. I have felt more pregnant this week than I have this entire pregnancy but I've loved every minute of it. I truly haven't "missed" anything this wk.
What I am looking forward to: Baby Shower today, Father's day tomorrow
Weekly Wisdom: “Truly great friends are hard to find, difficult to leave, and impossible to forget.” I am so blessed to have a group of friends who are more like SISTERS to me. So many people change friends more than they change their underwear. I have had the same close group of friends since middle school. The history we have together is priceless and the future we are walking in together is going to be magical. We may change as individuals but nothing has changed about our friendship, except maybe our maturity level. (Sometimes it's like we're still in middle school, giggling like little girls)
Milestones: We've hit the 8 Months mark!
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