Hey! Hope everyone (all 2 of my readers) has been good these past couple of weeks! I can't complain, I ate cake every day last weekend. It was bad. My sister-in-law got married in Orlando and cake was served Friday, Saturday, and Sunday! Ow. That didn't do me any wonders when I had to step on the scale today at my 30 week (!!!!) check-up today. I have to hit up the doc office every 2 weeks now for a check-up, then it'll go to every single week my last 4 weeks or something like that.
Since I ate so badly over the weekend and had to stare at a number I've been seen before on the scale, I'm going to try and stay away from salty foods. My ankles were the size of my calves this weekend! No ankles, not pretty. My body is starting to retain water...blah. I just got back from the grocery store where I loaded up with blackberries and blueberries. haha I don't know why those looked so good but I already ate half the thing of blueberries. That's healthy...right? :) The doc said some exercise and lots of water will help with the swelling. I already jog/walk 4x a week so I guess I have to start taking the dogs on more walks. I'm sure they won't mind. Speaking of walks, I plugged in my cool Nike+ watch today and turns out I've ran/jog/walked about 150 miles since I found out I was pregnant. That's only an avergae of about 6 miles a week! No bueno! Although, I did stop running once I found out I was pregnant for about a month just because I felt weird and thought this tiny little baby was being bounced around inside my belly. But since that was just mental (pregnancy brain), I need to get those numbers a little higher, get these swollen legs movin'!
Weekly Report
How far along? 30 weeks! 71 days until my due date! O.M.G.
Total weight gain/loss:? +24 lbs. That's kinda incredible to me...everyone just pretend you didn't see that number.
Maternity clothes? UGH, went to buy a maternity dress for the wedding. Ended up finding a dress at Forever21. Maternity clothing is not my thing.
Stretch marks? No more than that 1
Sleep: It's been really good. It felt so good to be home in my own bed after sleeping in a hotel all weekend.
Best moment this week: Spending Memorial weekend with family
Movement: Oh yea, dance parties galore. She must be practicing for her big debut
Food cravings: At this moment, blueberries and watermelon
Gender: Girl
Labor Signs: No
Belly Button in or out? Flat like a pancake.
What I miss: Who wants to go to a wedding and not drink? Yea I definitely was missing me some cocktails this weekend.
What I am looking forward to: Maternity pictures being taken next week!
Weekly Wisdom:
Milestones: I think making it to 30 weeks is a pretty big milestone ;)

Sophia is not the size of a squash! As baby's skin smoothes out, her brain just keeps getting more wrinkled. All those grooves and indentations increase surface area, meaning more room for that oh-so-essential brain tissue. She's also adding some brawn -- her grip is now strong enough to grasp a finger.
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