On Monday night, the hospital called to schedule the induction. When I got off the phone I was overwhelmed with emotions. I cried and cried for a good hour. I couldn’t even call Angelo to tell him without bursting in tears. I was so excited/anxious/nervous/scared/happy/etc,etc,etc! Tuesday and Wednesday were a blur as I tried to think of everything and anything I needed to bring a baby into our new home. Thursday came and I was pretty quiet the whole day. I was calm on the outside but terrified on the inside. I was so scared of the pain that I was about to go through. I wanted to skip the whole labor process and meet my baby girl! Before we made our way to the hospital we went to our last prenatal appointment (to find out my cervix was closed “tighter than Fort Knox”), Angelo got a hair cut (because he “needed to look good in pictures”), dropped the puppies off at their grandparent’s house, cleaned the house & car spotless, and finally installed the car seat. Around 5pm we gathered our hospital bags and out the door we went. The next time we would walk in our front door we will have a baby with us!
On the way to the hospital I started crying and told Angelo how scared I was. He calmed me down and assured me that any pain I was going to feel was to bring our baby girl safely into the world. The pain had a beautiful purpose. We stopped by Chickfila to get some last minute dinner and try to get my mind off of it.
6:00pm: Checked into the hospital and settled into the labor & delivery room around 6:15. Filled out paper work, started the IV, and had 2 monitors strapped around my stomach. These were for the baby’s heart rate and another to monitor my contractions.
8:00pm: Cervidil was inserted. Cervidil is a tampon like object with a drug called dinoprostone that is used to “ripen” the cervix and get it ready to be able to deliver a baby. I couldn’t get out of bed or eat/drink anything for the next two hours. This was kinda hard since you always have to pee when someone tells you that you can’t! Pain scale: 0
10:00pm: My last chance to eat until after Sophia was born. Not knowing when that would be, I ate some pineapple and melon. Pain scale: 0
11:00pm: I tried to get some sleep but couldn’t, even though I felt really tired. Angelo fell asleep on his sleeper couch next to me.
12:00am: Contractions started to hit me. They felt like really bad period cramps. I also had to pee every 5 minutes because of the IV fluids being pumped through me. Pain scale: 4
1:00am: My water broke! Weirdest feeling ever! It felt like a balloon literally popped inside of me. I was scared because I didn’t know what it was so I jumped out of bed and stood in the middle of the floor, water pouring out of me, trying to yell at Angelo to wake up. Angelo ran and told the nurse. My body was naturally going into labor without the Pictosin. I was told it is very rare to go into labor with just the Cervidil. I guess I’m one of the lucky ones! With all the peeing I was doing, the Cervidil fell out at some point anyway.
2:00am: Contractions REALLLLY starting to hurt. I think they were coming every 4-5 minutes and I could barely lay still when they hit. It’s weird because you can actually feel them coming, peaking, and then leaving. Pain scale: 7
3:00am: I could barely talk, breathe, or think through the contractions. I was begging for pain medication but wasn’t allowed to have any because Sophia’s heart rate would drop every time I had a contraction. I could feel Sophia moving down with every contraction and it felt like my uterus was being twisted in a knot and cut out of me. Yes, it was the worst pain I have every felt before in my life. Pain scale: 9 Cervix check: 1cm! When the nurse told me I was barely a cm dilated, I thought I was going to punch her. All this pain and still nothing?!
4:00-5:00am: Pain Pain and Pain. Contractions were coming every 1-3 minutes. I couldn’t get any relief with pain meds. I was attempting to rip the bed rail off the bed, trying to find any way possible to make the pain go away. The worst part was knowing the pain was coming back every friggin minute. Every now and then I’d ask angelo how HE was doing because I was convinced he would pass out at any moment with all my weird breathing and noise making.
5:00am: I was finally dilated to 3cm, able to get the epidural. THANK GOD I thought…some relief. To get the epidural I was told to be completely still while having the worst contractions yet. I think I almost broke the nurse’s hands from squeezing them so hard. Angelo had to sit down during the epidural.
5:30am: Still in major pain. The epidural wasn’t working at all. I think the
only part of me that went numb was my right thigh. I still felt every contraction. The nurses were wondering why I was still in so much pain so they checked my cervix again to find out I was already at 9.5 cm! I went from 3cm to 9.5cm in about 30 minutes! Talk about progress! Sophia was on her way and in a hurry!
6:00am: The epidural kicked in a little more and the pain was manageable. Nurse told me to start pushing. Angelo was told to grab my right leg (the one leg that was totally numb and felt like 1000lbs). I pushed for maybe 5 seconds and was told to stop. Sophia’s head was coming quickly so the Nurse ran to get the doctor. Pain scale: 4
6:17am: After 4 pushes Sophia made her way into the world! 7lbs 2oz, 19inches long. My beautiful screaming baby girl was put into my arms and Angelo cut the umbilical cord! Pain scale: ZERO.
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