You are 1 month old! Actually 1 month, 1 week, and 5 days old now. I've decided to turn this blog into something for you to read one day. Kind of like a baby book!
Right now you are eating...yep, on my boob. Thats's where you spend most of your time. You absolutely HAVE to eat every 2hrs or you go into a screaming rage and make mean faces at me and daddy.
Some memories we've created:
- Coming home from the hospital and meeting the puppies. They are VERY curious! Always wanting to sniff you and see why you make weird noises. Rome is protective of you, even growls at Bella sometimes when she tries to sniff you. You sometimes stare at them with wide eyes. I keep telling them one day you will probably torture them with lots of tail & ear pulls. They go into absolute crazy mode when people come over to visit you, so we have to put them outside sometimes. They love you.
-Mommy's mind is no where to be found. The first time I packed up your diaper bag to take you to your first doctor appointment I forgot to pack diapers. Isn't that the most important item in a diaper bag? I made a pizza the first time actually making dinner since you've been here, and daddy went to take it out of the oven and said "Alex, you didn't put cheese on the pizza?" Yep, i forgot to put cheese on the pizza..even though the shredded mozzarella cheese was right there on the counter.
- We went to Marissa & Jon's wedding and you loved to dance! We took turns bringing you on the dance floor and dancing around with you in our arms. You were looking at everyone with a big smile on your face. Daddy and you had matching outfits and we didn't even get a picture together! I am mad about this. ;)
- After several attempts, you still won't take a bottle. You don't find it funny when we try and "trick" you into thinking a bottle is mommy's boob. This has led to many phone calls from daddy when I go to the grocery store. "Babe, where are you? Sophia is hungry, won't take the bottle, and has been crying for the past 20 minutes."
- You have a love/hate relationship with your car seat. Sometimes you will sleep the whole car ride, and other times you scream at the top of your little lungs for someone to take you out.
- We have found the miracle that lets you sleep the whole night. It's called the "Miracle Blanket" and I will now get it for every friend at their baby shower. Daddy told me I was mean for strapping your arms down, but when his sleep didn't get interrupted that night he quickly changed his mind. Your arms scare you and you have no idea what to do with them.
- I love you and your daddy more than anything in this world. I am extremely blessed.
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