Friday, July 29, 2011

Inducing Labor

HEY! It's FRIDAY, time for the weekend once again! This weekend is filled with furniture shopping, a graduation party, and bridal shower. FUN stuff!

Sunday we went to the zoo because it was $5 day. Usually it's $24 a person, crazy right? This creature below is an Alligator Turtle pressing itself up against the glass of his water home.

Thursday was our 38wk doctor appointment. They start doing internal exams now to see if I'm progressing towards labor. I haven't progressed much at all. Doc said I was "maybe" 50% effaced (thinned out) and 0cm dilated (completely closed). We were told if there is 0 progress by next week's appointment then we will start looking at inducing labor. This got me thinking. What are ways I can try and induce labor myself, without any medical interventions? I’m definitely not trying to get Sophia to make an appearance early…I mean I STILL have to move my life into a new house! I just love to read different ways people try to induce labor. I don’t think I believe in any of these because I feel like the baby will come when baby wants to come out. These are my findings after much internet searching.
-Sex. This was right out of the doctor’s mouth and what he believes to be the only one to actually work. Semen has Prostagladins, which play a tole in the natural initiation of labor.
-Castor Oil. Said to also have Prostagladins.
-Walking. I do enough walking as it is.
-Raspberry loose leaf tea.
-Pineapple. I think I've eaten a lot of pineapple throughout this pregnancy already, but I'll def get some on my next grocery store trip.
-Spicy food.
-Eggplant Parmigiana. Yes this recipe claims it has induced labor of about 300 pregnant women.
-Prune juice. Doesn't prune juice make you do to the bathroom?!
-Eating macaroni and cheese with A1 sauce. I have no idea...
-Nipple stimulation.
-Walking up and down stairs.
-Sitting on an exercise ball and bouncing (gently)

I'll let you know if I try any of these methods and we will see if there is any progress by next Thursday.

Weekly Report

How far along? 38 Weeks.. 13 days left until due date!!!!

Total weight gain/loss:? I'm stuck between 28-30 lbs. I lost 2 lbs from last week which puts me back at 28lbs. I REALLY don't know how. The past 2 weeks my appetite has been out.of.control. I eat A LOT! :) Mostly "healthy" foods but still some junk foods, ie: cookies, brownies, ice cream, potato chips.

Stretch marks? No change

Sleep: Ehhh, it's been OK. Not really any major complaints. My hips start hurting in the middle of the night from sleeping on my side. I have to switch from my right and left quite a few days throughout the night. Plus getting up about 2 times to pee. But hey...I'm still getting enough sleep.

Best moment this week: Going to our new home and seeing it completely empty and ready to move in. It made the interior designer in me go crazy with ideas. We are currently STILL waiting on the appraisal to be approved by the lender. We SHOULD close by Monday...please please please.

Movement: Yep

Food cravings: Cravings have been everywhere this week. On Monday I was craving Ramen Noodles. haha So, of course I went to the store and bought some. Did you know they were only $0.99 for a 6-pack?! CRAZAY! But, there are still 5 packs left and they no longer sound good. Anyone want some Ramen noodles? ;) Some other random cravings this week: Tuna salad with jalapenos, Greek salad, potato chips dipped in sour cream.

Gender: Girl

Labor Signs: Nope

Belly Button in or out? Flat like a pancake.

What I miss: Cuddle time with the hubby when I go to sleep. I'm too hot and I surround myself with 4 pillows trying to get comfortable.

What I am looking forward to: Next week's doc appointment!

Weekly Wisdom: Who in their right mind watches Soap Operas? When I'm home during the day they usually come on the TV at 1:00 after the Today shows. I have to change the channel immediately, because just the background noise of them is cheesy.

Sophia's growing: The last bits of vernix caseosa (the white goo keeping her skin moist) and lanugo (downy hair) are slowly shedding into my amniotic fluid. Her head is about the same circumference as her abdomen, and her head could be covered in an inch or so of hair.

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